Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Marakesh belives in sidewalks
And concrete
That they deserve design
And variety
It belives in the star that forms
In between two patterns
And the accidental miracle
Of the diamond that arises
As two bars intertwine
If you grow accustomed to one
And then look down again
It will have changed
To surprise you
Marakesh believes that green
Is married to and promiscuous
With color
Orange balls hide behind leaves
While fuscia pokes out in long strands
Marakesh believes in extraordinary
Planting trees brought from peru
Long ago
Amongst the regular hue of arboles
Suddenly in may
They are purple
And the eyes crave them
In disbelief
They are few
And all around
You may stare
Marrakesh believes in light
And its reflection
Someone should carve into the
Cover of the bulb
For hours
Before it is deserving of the light
It guards and softens
It should reflect shapes onto your walls
And ceilings
So that where there is no décor
There will be at night
Marakesh is for those hungry
For oxygen
Those who always wonder
At night
Why the stars are hidden from view
There are no ceilings here
Marakesh believes in time
And time is not money
Time is detail
And detail is everything
Make texture with time
Make circles
And archways like the body
Of a woman
Take time
And do it that way
So it lasts
So your life is full
Should you never leave the medina
You will have seen all the color
And the curves of the world
They are in your door way
And on your walk
In marakesh
A baby is part of a woman’s drapes
Folded into her back as she walks
And he sleeps
Head bent over
Children are with children
And care for each other
The medina is their home
Hopscotch and Chinese jump rope
Is their game on the years old pebble way
They laugh and cry and no adults arrive
Marakesh is confused like religion
Adidas and levis
Capucinno in cafes
And hejab
Prayer five times a day
Marakesh believes in color
As if it is seeking to invent
It anew
Cover yourself completely
But just don’t do it in black
Do it in blue
Green or pink
Marakesh believes in signs
They are an opportunity
Metal and aluminum
To be designed
And welded
Into something
That tells you to stop
And go
With curves
Marakesh leaves
You alone
If you do not cover
But it wonders about your money
Or your origin
All the while
Morocco still believes in people
And to you it is reminiscent
Like a subconscious memory
You are comfortable here
Though you don’t know why
Benches fill with humans
People overwhelm
Streets and crosswalks
Parks are used every day
Not just on holiday
No one is buying
Some are selling
People are just sitting
And talking
And you wonder was it once
This way
From where you came?
Before humans became convenient
On computer screens
And the fleeting sensation
Of money
Was confused with love?
you know you are deprived
As u walk
and you know you will not stay
you too have gone plain
You too prefer to sit on a chair
While you piss
do you long for sanitary order
And empty streets
Buildings full of rooms for one

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