Sunday, May 16, 2010


Is when you can laugh when there is no one

And when there is everyone

When you can dance when the music is off

And when it blasts

When you find a problem and solve it

When you find a problem and decide it isn’t a problem

When you are hurt and you call your friend, sister or mentor

When you are anxious and decide to relax and do

Is when you are scared

And slowly overcome your fear

Is when you take your way and your time

Even though everyone else takes another way at a different pace

Is when you can have an opinion different from everyone else

And yet you don’t need to convince anyone of it

Complete is when you don’t mind the habits and behaviors of others

Because you are working on your own

Complete is when you can leave the room to go attend to your needs

And when you stay because you need the company

Complete is being with company and taking care of yourself at the same time

Complete is giving love away

Because you know how to give it to yourself too

Complete is knowing how to ask for what you need

And not being scared to say how you feel

Complete is knowing when to say these things

And forgiving yourself when you forget

Complete is being faced with a difficult decision
and taking time to think through it and then acting decisively
without hesitance and without needing reassurance

Complete is having fun, finding friends and people to have fun with, creating social time, and social events and a social life

Complete is knowing your dreams and taking steps to acheive them

Complete is knowing deep down that everything is very okay

Complete is getting rejected but not feeling rejected

Complete is being accepted but not needing to feel accepted

Complete creating solutions, fun, and laughter

Complete is not being threatened, and only seeing opportunity

Complete is feeling threatened and getting over it

Complete is feeling confident to stand up for yourself

Complete is being able to negotiate the fairest deal

Complete is being able to protect yourself when you are in danger

Complete is facing the people you fear

Complete is trusting that all is just as it should be

Complete is not expecting any one to understand you or do whats best for you all of the time

Complete is being okay with that

Complete is expecting for your loved ones to try to do what is safe and loving for you

Complete is being honest with yourself of your weaknesses and finding ways to get help to fill those

Complete is being in relationships with people that are honest with you

Complete is knowing how to manage finances, wash dishes, manage people, truly relax, and have fun

Complete is having time for nature

Complete is wanting to do something and not doing it because it isn't good for you
Complete is not wanting to do something and doing it because its good for you
Complete is wanting to do something that is good for you
Complete is screwing up and not really sweating it
Complete is not looking at this list again

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