Tuesday, July 13, 2010

They will Say things

They will Say Things


They will Say things
and Say things
and Say things again

One day they will Say this
This This THIS

the next day they will
Say no to This
and Say definitely definitively surely wholeheartedly
oh yes THAT
So much of that that That

That will become encased en gold
You and your friends will go looking for it
It will be sold-out
Before it is available
Sold-out That
And you will love him
Because he has That

and then they will Say
That and This
is all wrong
The will Say those
Say those Those oh yes Those
Those are so
yes Sooo

and You will cry
You will stay home
you will hide
Remembering the days
when they said That
Oh you were OUT
You were dancing!
You must have sang a bit too

But the day they Said Those
You went in
You hid
Because they were Saying Those
and so they were Saying
to you

Under your blanket
You wish
Wish they would simply
go back to saying
oh the days of That

And then
after weeks and minutes
and even five years
of reminiscing
and crying
In between washing the dishes
and taking out the trash
You start Saying
Saying and Saying
You Say
and Say

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