Monday, January 19, 2009

My Predictions

Iran- Obama will get frustrated with Iran. They will not be able to negotiate because various preconditions on the American side (such as ditching the notion for regime change) will not occur, unless they put in their super star old school diplomatic core negotiators. On the Iran side I think its too dynamic internally to cut any real deals. You have to move from deal to deal, relying on different groups to push them through.

Government- I think things will be more nuanced, more intellectual, less ideological which will make it harder to be productive. My biggest fear is liberal intellectuals because they are so obsessed with being right, I am worried they would rather win the debate according to the latest theories than get at the right decision using executive know-how and common sense.

But of course in general it will be all good, because some of the people Obama is bringing in to the White House are real liberals, though he is staying more conservative in cabinet positions, he is still pushing more than anyone before I think.

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