Sunday, September 12, 2010

I saw a woman

Dance the way you do
the Venezuelan way
the weight on the front foot
and the hold
and then back onto the other foot
and the hold
I forgot that way
and I love that way
and I didn't know it
until I saw her do it
years ago
we had a good year and a half of that dance
I felt you immediately
thought of you in Sweden
Like all of you
I wasn't quite ready for you
unprepared, we happened any ways
and then unhappened too

the You changed
a year later
You were blond and ocean eyed
I was with you in Colombia
you brought tears to me
the way you understood
you- old man and small boy-
your combination
of play and depth
I crave still some days
Sounds and colors
our ecstatic frenzy
we were the church
you ran from
at 12

a year later
the You became
a Man
You did as you pleased
and that pleased me
you weren't ready for me
for femininity
and gingerly
my raw exposure
And quicker than the rest
our off-road
fell apart on the concrete

All of you are inside now
all of you still linger

You are meaning

I long for the day
I can walk your forest path
Swim your caverns
Climb your slippery ice

I didn't want to leave
any of you
I barely got away
cowardly through words
but I had to

could not
Now she and I walk together
remembering you
the love
the power
as fresh
as the first meal

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