Saturday, August 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Schwes by mary

Some people live a life time
Looking for love
In the street
Searching for tenderness
 in their marriage
Some people travel the world
Looking for companions
People to laugh with
And to ogle at the passerbys
Or to jump in the sea
And giggle in its foam
Some people
Never know how to hold hands
For love
Or hug for life
Some body has never wiped
The hair from a sweaty scared brow
or known
How to be gentle with a growing heart
or careful with a hurting body
Some people search and search
For the truth in others
never having known it
Some people
Haven’t written an honest letter
About their insides
Holding it all in
They haven’t heard a voice on the phone
And known
The kind of day
That voice has had just by its sound
Some people
Haven’t slept in twin beds
Double beds
And on couches
With another
Some people
Haven’t watched another grow
Some people
Haven’t helped another
Stretch further
Some people haven't kept
a bond going
for thousands of miles
over years and years
Some people haven't heard
the wailing of pain
in a heart hurt by disappointment
Some people haven't heard
that wail turn into a laugh
a moment later
Some people haven't held a newborn
and watched 29 years later
when she held her own
Others have judged others away
Those people never had a sister

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