Thursday, April 30, 2009


Know why I like this web 2.0 stuff?

Bc its super democratic, and it’s the new wave of capitalism, its not about us consuming what we are given by a select group of people, its about us consuming something we are part of creating, us determining what is important,

And about open source software- its about getting something catered and tailored for a person or for a group, without feeling like its some product or something that someone owns that only has value because it has to be paid for, no actually it has value bc its valuable to a person or a group of peopel, and i don't have to pay for it, I only have to pay to maybe fix it up a bit, its not exclusionary like capitalism is, like "i can't share this, or give this" bc then someone will steal it or steal my profit, nope its like there is plenty to go around, and actually we don't need so much bloody profit going to the one lucky dude that figured it out in the first place, in fact we share software and development for other reasons, because its fun to be challenged, its fun to use your brain, to work with people as curious and motivated to create as you are. thats the new wave. we do our work bc we like it, we work with others bc it motivates us, makes our lives more fulfilled, profit is soo 2000s! and whatever we create, we don't exclude others from using it to make their lives better.

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